Edgewood Cabinetry specializes in custom cabinetry solutions, providing services to home builders for creating functional and visually stunning spaces. Known for a commitment to quality and the ability to adapt to specific architectural styles and client needs, Edgewood Cabinetry is recognized as the ideal choice for builders aiming to distinguish their projects. Cabinets are designed to enhance storage in compact spaces and complete kitchen layouts, increasing home value and homeowner satisfaction. Explore how tailored services, a commitment to sustainability, and innovative practices can elevate any building project.

  1. Customization and Flexibility

At Edgewood Cabinetry, we understand that every building project is unique. That’s why we offer custom cabinetry solutions tailored to fit any architectural style or client preference. Our extensive selection of materials, finishes, and styles ensures that we can meet the diverse needs of our clients, no matter how specific. Based in North Carolina, our team is ready to travel to client locations, depending on the project size, to provide personalized service directly where it’s needed.

durable materials
  1. Quality and Durability

Each piece of Edgewood Cabinetry stands as a testament to superior craftsmanship. We use only high-quality materials, ensuring that every cabinet we craft is built to last. This commitment to quality results in durable cabinetry that can significantly enhance the longevity and appeal of any home, making it an excellent selling point for builders focused on quality.

  1. Enhanced Home Value

Investing in our premium cabinetry directly contributes to increasing the market value of the homes you build. Our cabinets are designed to offer both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits, driving up home values and providing clear return on investment. Our portfolio includes several case studies and data that demonstrate these benefits.

  1. Efficiency and Reliability

We pride ourselves on our efficient processes, from design through to installation. Understanding the importance of timelines for builders, we ensure that all projects are completed on schedule without compromising on quality. Our punctuality and reliability in project management make us a trusted partner in the construction industry.

  1. Support and Collaboration

From the first design consultation to the final installation, Edgewood Cabinetry provides comprehensive support. We collaborate closely with builders to ensure that each project is tailored to their specifications and exceeds expectations. Our team is dedicated to working alongside you to bring your vision to life.

eco-friendly cabinet building
  1. Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness

Edgewood Cabinetry is committed to sustainability. We use eco-friendly materials and employ manufacturing processes that minimize environmental impact. This approach not only appeals to eco-conscious buyers but also aligns with current trends towards sustainable building practices.

  1. Competitive Pricing

While we never compromise on quality, we offer competitive pricing to ensure that you get the best value for your investment. Our billing is structured as 50% down, 40% on delivery, and 10% upon completion, providing a straightforward and manageable payment process for our partners.

  1. Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it—our past projects and partnerships speak volumes. With a 4.9 out of 5 rating from 63 reviews on Google and a 4.85 out of 5 on Houzz from 71 reviews, our testimonials and project showcases underline our credibility and the trust we have built with our clients.

google logoEdgewood CabinetryEdgewood Cabinetry
4.9 Stars - Based on 63 User Reviews
  1. Innovative Solutions

Edgewood Cabinetry is at the forefront of innovation in cabinet design. We offer advanced hardware mechanisms, integrated lighting solutions, and custom organizational accessories, all designed to enhance the functionality and user experience of our cabinets.

5 Year Warranty
  1. Warranty and Aftercare

We stand behind our products with comprehensive warranty options, detailed here: Edgewood Cabinetry Warranty. Our aftercare services ensure peace of mind, knowing that continued support is part of the Edgewood promise.

Partner with Edgewood Cabinetry and elevate your construction projects with cabinetry that blends aesthetic appeal with practical functionality, crafted to meet the highest standards of quality and innovation.


Call Today and Find Out How Edgewood Cabinetry Can Elevate the Quality of your Homes

(919) 339-7300

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Edgewood Cabinetry Edgewood Cabinetry designs, builds and installs the finest custom kitchen cabinetry, wall pantries, architectural hoods, kitchen islands, and built-in units for appliances anywhere in the Raleigh, NC and Triangle area. With a balanced approach on both design and craftsmanship, we listen to the ideas you have for your kitchen design and how you hope to use your living space. We look at the architecture of the kitchen and the layout and we ensure your kitchen cabinet design compliments your lifestyle. info@edgewoodcabinetry.com (919) 339-7300 $$$$
cash, check, credit card
2164 Cole Rd Clayton NC 27520
Edgewood Cabinetry Edgewood Cabinetry designs, builds and installs the finest custom kitchen cabinetry, wall pantries, architectural hoods, kitchen islands, and built-in units for appliances anywhere in the Raleigh, NC and Triangle area. With a balanced approach on both design and craftsmanship, we listen to the ideas you have for your kitchen design and how you hope to use your living space. We look at the architecture of the kitchen and the layout and we ensure your kitchen cabinet design compliments your lifestyle. info@edgewoodcabinetry.com (919) 339-7300 $$$$
cash, check, credit card
2164 Cole Rd Clayton NC 27520
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