under cabinet fridge drawer-edgewood cabinetry

Most people at some point or another wish they had more refrigerator space. If you’re one of them, under counter refrigerator drawers could be the solution to your dilemma. Here are eight of the top reasons why adding an under-counter refrigerator drawer is ideal.

  • Saves Space

Because they fit underneath your existing countertop, and are installed flush with their surrounding cabinets, refrigerator drawers take up very little space. As such, there’s no need to struggle with finding room for them, which is something that might be necessary when adding a dorm-sized refrigerator.

  • Can be added anywhere

You may use them in a family room, game room or even an outdoor kitchen to help with entertaining.

  • Less costly than upgrading your refrigerator to a bigger sized unit.

You could actually save hundreds of dollars by choosing a refrigerator drawer instead of a slightly-larger appliance.

  • Easy to keep clean

Since there are no shelves or brackets to remove, all that’s needed is to wipe the sides and bottom down with a damp cloth to remove spills.

  • Can be used to store other things when not being used as a refrigerator.

You could even use your refrigerator drawer to hold pantry items such as flour, sugar and rice to prevent weevils from getting into them.

  • A refrigerator drawer works well with any décor

It can even blend in with existing cabinetry to provide your kitchen with a seamless look.

  • Available with a variety of features

Refrigerator doors have features such as door alarms that will alert you when the door has been open for more than 10 minutes, and additional lighting to make finding things easier, even in the dark.

  • Energy efficient, and costs very little to operate.

These are just a few reasons why adding refrigerator drawers could be beneficial to you. To find out more, contact us.